race jerseys sponsored by Jacob Tipper Performance Coaching

The 2024 season ends…

After a season much disrupted by weather and other events, the sun finally came out for the last round of the series. The race, organised by Bridgnorth Cycling Club, was held on the newly re-activated Pattingham course, last used almost 30 years ago, a tough course for the climbers and puncheurs of the league.

Photographs by Rich Smith

Our jersey sponsor, Jacob Tipper, of Jacob Tipper Performance Coaching, was invited to present the winners with their medals and jerseys. He was also invited to race if he wished, an opportunity which he took. Despite protestations of lack of form and training, he then proceeded to win the race showing that whatever his form, he retained his class.

Jacob Tipper wins the race. Photograph by David Perry

We were then welcomed by the landlord of the Pigot Arms for the presentations and speeches which took place in the beer garden in the late evening sunshine. Unfortunately, the race finished too late for us to be able to sample their menu but we were all able to quench our thirst with a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Waiting for the speeches. Photograph by Jimmy Naudi

After a speech of thanks from our chairman, John Ireson, to all involved with the league for enabling it to happen and a special vote of thanks to the league organiser, Mike Jackson, for all his hard work in promoting and organising the league over the years on the occasion of his stepping down from this rĂ´le, the top three riders in each category (Overall, Veteran, Junior and 4th Cat) were presented with their medals by Jacob Tipper with the winner of each category also being awarded the winner’s jersey.

Medals awaiting being awarded with Mike Jackson (L) and John Ireson (R). Photograph by Jimmy Naudi

The winners in each category were:-

Overall – Aidan Wade

Veteran – Ian Gilkes, HUUB BCC Race Team

Junior – Benjamin Southgate, Wrekinsport

4th Cat – Benjamin Southgate, Wrekinsport

L-R Jacob Tipper, Ian Gilkes (Vet winner), Aidan Wade (Overall winner), Benjamin Southgate (Junior and 4th cat winner). Photograph by Jimmy Naudi

The full results of the race and the final league standings can be found here

More photographs of the race can be found here, with thanks to Rich Smith.

More photographs of the presentations can be found here, with thanks to Jimmy Naudi.